Purchase all 3 paradise Collection strains,
Get 30% off purchase.
- While Supplies Last -
*Asterisk Next To Participating Stores
* Dunegrass - Big Rapids
* Elite Cannabis- Jackson
* First Cass Lansing
* First Class Jackson
* House of Dank - Lansing
JARS - Battle Creek
JARS - Lansing
JARS - Mt. Pleasant
JARS - Owosso
Pure Canna South
Pure Options Frandor
Pure Options Lansing
Pure Options Midtown
Pure Options Mt. Pleasant
Sapura - Lansing
* Beach Fire
Cloud Gaylord
Dunegrass - Cadillac
Dunegrass - TC West
Dunegrass- Manistee
* Endo - Houghton Lake
GLE North
GLE South
Green Pharm - Iron River
Green Pharm - Menominee
* Higher Love - Ironwood
* Higher Love - Menominee
* House of Dank - Traverse City
* Jailhouse - Atlanta
* Jailhouse - Mancelona
* Levels Ironwood
* North Coast - SSM
* Puff - Traverse City
Pure Options Muskegon
* 315 North
* Bowz Riverview
Cloud Detroit
Cloud Utica
* DaCut - Detroit
* Dispo Hazel Park
* Dispo Romeo
* Flower Bowl Inkster
* Flower Bowl River Rouge
* Gage - Ferndale
* Gatsby Royal Oak
* Green Acres Ecorse
* Green Acres Riverview
Green Pharm - Detroit
Green Pharm - Hazel Park
* Herbology Jefferson
* House of Dank - 8 Mile
* House of Dank - Centerline
* House of Dank - Fort St
* House of Dank - Ypsilanti
JARS - Centerline
JARS - East Detroit
JARS - Hazel Park
JARS - River Rouge
JARS - Riverview
JARS - West Detroit
* Joyology - Wayne
* King of Budz - Ferndale
* Michigan's Finest
* Mood Centerline
* Nar Cannabis Inkster
* Noxx Pleasant Ridge
* Planet Jane
* Puff - Centerline
* Puff - Hamtramck
* Puff - Madison Heights
* Puff - River Rouge
* Puff - Utica
Pure Options Detroit
* Quest Cannabis
* Rush - Hazel Park
* Vibe - Inkster
* Dispo Whitmore Lake
* Elite Cannabis - Saginaw
* Exclusive - Ann Arbor
* First Class Ann Arbor
GLE Tawas
* Gramz
* House of Dank - Lapeer
* House of Dank - Saginaw
JARS - Ann Arbor Packard
JARS - Chesterfield
JARS - Flint Mt. Morris
JARS - Mount Clemens
JARS - Oxford
JARS - Port Huron
JARS - Saginaw
* Joyology - Burton
* Joyology - Lake Orion
* Levels Waterford
* MindRight - New Baltimore
* Oz Ypsilanti
* Planet 59
* Planted Flint
* Puff - Bay City
* Pure Cannabis Outlet - New Baltimore
* Spark Caro
* Star Budz - Millington
* Star Budz - Mt Morris
Cloud Cedar Springs
Cloud Kalamazoo
* Cookies Gr
* Dispo Battle Creek Fire Creek
* Exclusive - Grand Rapids
* Gatsby Battle Creek
GLH Battle Creek
GLH Kzoo
* House of Dank - Grand Rapids
* House of Dank - Kalamazoo
JARS - Grand Rapids
JARS - Muskegon
JARS - New Buffalo
JARS - Wayland
JARS- Saugatuck
* Mint Portage
* Nobody's Home
* Noxx 28
* Noxx PF
* Olswell - Grand Rapids
* Puff - Kalamazoo
* Skymint - Grand Rapids Division
* The Bloomery - New Buffalo
* Amazing Budz
* Backpack Boyz Monroe
* California Michigan Cannabis Company
* endo - Adrain
* Exclusive - Coldwater
* Exclusive - Monroe
* First Class Camden
* First Class Monroe
* Herbology Colwater
High Profile Buchanan
* House of Dank - Monroe
JARS - Monroe
* Joyology - Monroe
* Joyology - Quincy
* Joyology - Reading
* King of Budz - Monroe
* King of Budz - New Buffalo
* Levels Niles
* Mint Coldwater
* Mint Monroe
* Nar Cannabis Monroe
* Nobo - Edwardsburg
* Pinnacle - Morenci
* Primtiv - Niles
* Puff - Monroe
* Puff - Sturgis
* Pure Cannabis Outlet - Monroe
Releaf Center of Niles
Sapura - Coldwater
* The Dude Abides - Coldwater
* The dude abides Constantine
Timber Sturgis
* Uniq - Monroe
* URB - Monroe
* URB - New Buffalo